Papers and websites
We have selected some interesting papers and websites for you. Have a look!
More interesting research on pigeons, beavers and chickens:
- Pigeons discriminate between human feeders
- Beaver Management interreg (find here current data)
- Abstract: Training for behavioural tests affects chicken welfare and Poster
- The importance of appropriate pullet rearing
Labels inform you about farming conditions! Don't be taken for a fool! Shopping checker for chicken meat (in German) of TOW or WWF.
Find more information about animals used in science and the 3 Rs: 3Rs for the public.
Get more facts about cruel breeds in the brochure „Kurznasen, Hautfalten und Glubschaugen – nicht süß, sondern gequält!“ (in German). You can find further information on the forbidden practice of cruel breeding in the „Leitfaden zur Beurteilung von Qualzuchtmerkmalen bei Hunden“(in German), in the Animal Protection Act, §5 "Verbot der Tierquälerei" and in the regulation concerning exceptions from the reporting obligation for keeping animals for breeding and selling purposes. Also have a look at the QUEN Website (in German).
A selection of interesting papers about tinder, robot dogs and smart farm animals: