Basic Decree and Austrian Animal Welfare Act
Basic decree on environmental education for sustainable development
We are very pleased that animal welfare education has been an integral part of teaching in schools since 2014.
Animal welfare has been firmly embedded in the basic decree on environmental education for sustainable development published by the Austrian Ministry of Education.
The decree states: "The contents of environmental education relate to all aspects of human interaction with nature." Animal welfare is listed as one of the relevant themes.
The Austrian Animal Welfare Act
Austria has a national Animal Welfare Act that came into force on 1st January 2005, making Austria a pioneer and role model in animal welfare within the European Union.
The aim of the Act is to protect the life and well-being of animals. This protection applies to animals as an individual beings.
Article 2 states: “The federal, provincial and municipal authorities are obliged to create and deepen an understanding of animal protection among the public and in particular young people and, within their budgetary provision, to promote and support animal-friendly husbandry systems, animal welfare research as well as any animal protection projects."